I know some of you have followed me through this long and painful past year, but as the time quickly approaches, I guess it's time to tell all of you...I've been fighting a bone tumor on my leg for just over a year. After all that's gone on, I now have a surgery date. March 2, 2011 I will have it removed and begin the many week recovery process. Part of removing the tumor means removing part of my actual femur bone as well. Sounds painful to me, but it's got to be better than what I've been fighting.
My fiance will be having hip replacement surgery February 22, 2011 and so that means we'll both be down and out. Surgery just 8 days apart puts a lot of stress on my 15 year old daughter.
To top it all off, David and I are getting married March 18, 2011. Nothing fancy as we're going to the court house, but after a 7 year engagement I'm not waiting another minute.
I just wanted to let everyone know what is going on and ask that you please keep us both in your prayers.